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Thursday, October 25, 2012

19 weeks!

I am celebrating 19 weeks today! I can't wait until next Thursday because at that point, I'll be half way done.

How far along? 19 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? I think I'm up 4 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yep. I broke down and bought some full panel maternity skinny jeans this week from Old Navy. They feel like heaven.
Stretch marks? nothing new.
Sleep? I've started to notice I have a bit more energy in the evenings and now I am super tired in the mornings.
Best moment last week? Daddy Rags taking care of me while I threw up.
Movement? I've been feeling the baby move every day since last Friday. The movements aren't very noticeable, but I can tell they are getting stronger.
Food cravings? Hmmm...last week it was chocolate milk.
Belly button in/out? still in.
What I miss: I miss alcohol, coffee, and cigarettes {don't judge}
What I am looking forward to: My anatomy scan
Milestones: week 18 was the first time I felt the baby move. Baby Rags is the size of an heirloom tomato (whatever that is)

Here's me this morning at 19 weeks. Don't let my smile fool you, I still feel like poo.

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