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Thursday, November 8, 2012

What an eventful past two weeks! Last week I was in Chicago for work and it was a crazy hectic week. I've been feeling the baby move more frequently and I can tell he is getting bigger and stronger. We had our anatomy scan this week and before we started the sonogram, I told the tech I was hoping the baby would weigh a pound. She said "Oh no, not this early. He probably will be between 10 oz to 12 oz, tops". Well, well, well....baby Rags weighs a pound! I knew it. She measured his legs, which measured a whole two weeks ahead of schedule! No wonder I can feel him kick all the time. That should be real fun when gets bigger. Everything looked perfect during the scan. He kept opening his mouth and I swear, everytime we have a scan, he lays there with one of his hands near his head....which is how his daddy will fall asleep from time to time. Here is a picture of his profile.

Here is me last week at 20 weeks!

So since we further confirmed Baby Rags is a boy, we really needed to settle on a name. We couldn't decide which one we liked best, so we put several names in one of Daddy's hats {Lincoln Samuel, Connor Jack, Lincoln Jack, Oliver Samuel, Oliver Francis} and decided to let fate decide which name would be THE name. I drew the first name and pulled out "LJ". My first instinct said "No, that's not the name." I told Joel to let me draw again because I wasn't really thinking before I drew the name. Haha. So, he let me draw again. "OS". I said "No, that's not the name." Then I said "Baby boy, pick your name. Whatever I pick next is what you want your name to be, and if it's LJ {Lincoln Jack}, then that's what it is." I drew out LJ again. So Baby Rags is now officially Lincoln Jack! I really wanted Joel to help pick his name since it's his son. I mean obviously it's mine too, but who knows if we will have another boy and I wanted Joel to name his son. Joel loves the name Lincoln Jack, so Lincoln Jack it is!

How far along? 21 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? Up 4 pounds total.
Maternity clothes? I'm still in some pre-pregnancy pants but with the help of a belly band
Stretch marks? nothing new.
Sleep? I ordered me a Snoogle pillow and it came in yesterday. It's amazing!!
Best moment last week? Coming home after a long week away!
Movement? yes, numerous times a day.
Food cravings? This boxed spaghetti that they no longer sell. Why do I crave things I can't have?!?!

Belly button in/out? still in.
What I miss: I miss sleeping on my stomach.
What I am looking forward to: 24 weeks {V Day!}
Milestones: Making it four days in a row without Zofran {today marks day 5}. I still get sick every morning, but I am used to it and I think it's getting better. Today was the first day I didn't get sick.

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