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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Third Trimester!

The holidays have come and gone and it's made the time fly by. I hope time keeps going by fast, but I have a feeling it will start to slow down after my baby shower in February. Today we have 64 days until my due date. It's so crazy how fast time is going!I feel like I was just telling myself I had 150 days left.

The third trimester has been fairly kind to me so far. I'm sleeping well, only throwing up about once a week and still have a decent amount of energy. The only complaint I have is the heartburn, and even that's tolerable as long as I watch what I eat.
During the past several weeks, we've had a lot happen so I'll just recap everything.

Let's start with the painting of the mural on Lincoln's wall and the arrival of his crib. The painting turned out exactly like I wanted. While this might not be some people's "taste", me and Joel love it and I think it suits Joel's son perfectly. Joel has tattoos and loves tattoos and it is the perfect mixture between the tattoo look and the nautical look.

And here's a picture (kind of blurry...taken by Joel) of the painting and Lincoln's crib.

My talented sister finished Lincoln's quilt, which I think I will hang over his crib. I love it! It's perfect and it's one of a kind!

We went to a wedding.

We had two 3D sonograms...both of which were on the disappointing side. Not sure if it's because I have extra 'fluff' or what, but we weren't able to really see Lincoln's face like we wanted to. We did manage to get this shot....I think he is going to be handsome! I love his lips!

Then here are a couple of belly shots. He's getting BIG! First up, 28 weeks.

Then 30 weeks.

We registered last week and Joel was great during it. He did ask to register for a couple of dumb useless things, but other than that, he did great. He really helped me pick out the perfect stroller! We're getting ready for our baby shower, which will be on February 16. Here is a picture of the invitation.

I have no idea where this nautical stuff came from. I hate when people ask me why I did his nursery with a nautical theme. I have no idea! I just like it, okay? Same reason I have a freaking robot tattooed on me. I just liked it. I hate when people look for meaning in something that is so trivial. Sometimes, you just do something because you like it.

We also took a childbirth class...that was interesting. Joel said I kept asking about the epidural. He said they would be talking about breastfeeding and I would raise my hand and say "Okay, so about the epidural..." LOOK, I'm only concerned about it because I know it will make my experience more tolerable and I just want to make sure I know everything about it, that's all.
As soon as we walked into the class, I saw they had a TV set up with chairs around it. I was so excited, because for some reason I really wanted Joel to see a video of a birth. I have no idea why, but I want him to be prepared for the grossness and awesomeness that is childbirth. Watching birth videos does not bother me, AT ALL. I tell my sister all the time about me watching childbirth videos (she has three kids) and she can't understand why I do that to myself. I watch them to prepare myself for what's to come!

One thing I found out about pregnancy, AFTER getting pregnant....is that it, quite frankly, sucks. Don't get me wrong...I am so thankful to be pregnant and I feel truly blessed. Really, I do....but, someone once told me that pregnancy is a means to an end. Wow, what a true statement. BEFORE I got pregnant, I honestly viewed pregnancy with rose-colored glasses. I fantasized about being pregnant and honestly believed it would be the most happiest, best time of my life. Being pregnant for me, has been challenging and hard. Anyway, my point being...I'm scared that if I don't truly prepare myself for childbirth and taking care of a newborn that I will be highly disappointed with the experience. So I'm mentally preparing myself for not being able to get an epidural...or if I do, one that doesn't work, and literally feeling EVERYTHING during labor. I'm also preparing myself for a non stop crying baby, that I can't breastfeed and me not losing any weight and being horribly depressed. I'm doing this because 1) if they DO happen, I'll be prepared for it and 2) if they don't happen, I'll be pleasantly surprised and content...thinking, this isn't so bad. :)

How far along? 32 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? Nope
Stretch marks? Yep. I knew they would come, but I'm still sad.
Sleep? Still sleeping good, thankfully!
Best moment last week? Can I have a worst moment of last week? I'm negative Nancy. The worst moment was taking my 3 hour glucose test. The best moment of last week was when I went home and took a nap afterwards.
Movement? I feel him move all the time. I've started feeling hiccups, too. He's so cute!
Food cravings? Sunkist and sandwiches
Belly button in/out? still in but it's definitely getting more shallow.
What I miss: beer
What I am looking forward to: My baby shower!
Milestones: I've made it into the thirties and I've recently noticed I've developed that line underneath my belly button. Linea nigra is the technical term. I'm not sure why, but this totally excited me when I saw it! 

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