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Friday, December 14, 2012

End of 2nd Trimester Doldrums

I don't really have anything new to report. The past week has been fairly smooth as far as pregnancy goes. No throwing up. Been sleeping good. The only complaint is heartburn. It's getting worse. Also pregnancy brain...but other than that, I'm still feeling pretty good and anxiously awaiting Lincoln's arrival!

Christmas is 11 days away and I wish Lincoln was here and that this was his first Christmas. I know I have to be patient, but I can't wait to celebrate Christmas with Lincoln! By the time next Christmas rolls around, he will be 9 months. So crazy to think that this time next year, I'll have a 9 month old little boy!

We are signed up for a childbirth class on January 2. We are also signing up for a Baby Care class that will cover diapering, bathing, feeding and most importantly, CPR and how to relieve a choking infant. I really hope the class has baby dolls and I get to see Joel change a diaper on a toy. I think it will be funny!

I'm starting to get pretty anxious and sometimes I have to sit and think really hard about the reality of having our first baby in less than 14 weeks. I don't think my brain has fully wrapped around the idea of our lives completely changing. Sometimes I feel like I get it and understand it, but then sometimes I don't feel like I get it at all! I'm not sure if that makes sense....it's kind of hard to explain. It's easy to get wrapped up in all of the planning....stocking up on diapers, planning the nursery, buying furniture for the nursery, planning the baby shower, etc. and to forget about what all of this planning is actually for!

How far along? 26 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? 13.5
Maternity clothes? I don't like this question
Stretch marks? I've seen beginnings of two :(
Sleep? Still sleeping good, thankfully!
Best moment last week? sewing my baby boy's fitted sheet.
Movement? I've been feeling him kick much higher (under my ribs), which leads me to think he's no longer breech.
Food cravings? Hot fudge sundae. I had one this week and it was glorious!
Belly button in/out? still in but it's definitely getting more shallow.
What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach
What I am looking forward to: our 3D sonogram, which I scheduled for 12/20!
Milestones: Hmmm....I made it a week without throwing up!

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