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Monday, April 15, 2013

One Month!

Lincoln is one month today! I can't believe it - the time has just flown by. It's been one of the hardest but most rewarding months of our lives. The first night home is probably the most memorable. I think Lincoln slept maybe 45 minutes the whole night and finally after a call to the pediatrician's emergency line (yeah....) and a drive to Walmart and back at 4:30 in the morning, he slept in his car seat on the first night home. There were lots of tears shed that night...but, we have settled into a nice routine and learned how to soothe Lincoln and things are much much better.

What's happened:
Lincoln's gained at least 2 or 3 pounds, I swear. I don't have a digital scale, but I weighed him while holding him and I'm pretty sure he weighs at least 10 pounds now.
He's still fitting into newborn sized clothing.
We moved up to size 1 diapers.
He eats 4 oz at every feeding...sometimes more.
He's peed on both mommy and daddy several times.
He's pooped on mommy.

Some of Lincoln's favorite things:
Tooting on Daddy's legs while eating
When mommy says "good morning!" and "Arnold Palmer alert!" over and over
constant motion
being held and cuddled
laying with his left hand by his face
watching the ceiling fan and the TV reflection in mommy's glasses
peeing while his diaper is being changed
warm wipes/wash cloths during diaper changes
the music on his swing
being swaddled
white noise (Seriously a life saver!!)

Some things Lincoln doesn't care for:
his car seat....he HATES being put in it
cold wipes
getting undressed/dressed
tummy time

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