What's happened:
Lincoln had his two month well visit and he weighed 12 pounds at 7.5 weeks and was 23 inches long
We've outgrown all newborn clothing and are in some 0-3 month clothes, but mostly 3 month sizes
Pretty sure we're moving to size 2 diapers soon
He started sleeping through the night at 7 weeks
Mom's gone back to work...we're still adjusting to that big change
Lincoln has started making noises that are so so cute...he tries so hard to talk
Lincoln started smiling
Some of Lincoln's favorite things:
falling asleep on mommy every night (he sleeps in my arms from 7-9)
bath time
the whale pictures in his nursery
car rides
watching TV with daddy
still likes being swaddled
white noise
Some things Lincoln doesn't care for:
still hates being put in his car seat
tummy time
getting out of the bath
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