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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Month 4 and 5

We've had a lot happen in the Ragsdale household the past couple of months and I've been too busy to update this blog. Time flies when you're having fun!

Lincoln continues to amaze me and Joel on how fast he is growing. I can't believe we're almost half-way through his first year.

Here's some updates:

  • Lincoln's had the following solid foods: oatmeal, peas, bananas and avocado. He likes none of them. We've pumped the breaks on trying solids and we'll try again when he's six months.
  • He's starting to sit up on his own, but no rolling yet.
  • Still semi sleeps through the night, although since he turned four months he wakes up once or twice but he falls back asleep when we give him his paci (he loves his paci)
  • Lincoln is still sleeping in mommy and daddy's room. It's what works best for us.
  • He went to the doctor on Monday August 19 and weighed in at 16.15 lbs!
  • Started cutting his two bottom teeth
He's such a chill baby....he doesn't get too upset and if he does, he's easily consolable. Me and Joel were talking about our personality predictions...Joel didn't have any but I think Lincoln is going to be laid back, low maintenance, and generally happy in life. I think he will be very emotionally in-tuned and may be a writer or something. :)

We love our boy!

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