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Saturday, September 13, 2014

You're 18 months old.

You're 18 months old.....you're.....18 months....old. How did this happen?

The past 18 months have been a roller-coaster. Months 1-12 were spent surviving on as little sleep as possible while trying to navigate through our new lives in a constant haze of unbearable exhaustion.

Finally at about 13 months we felt ourselves settling into our new lives. You too....you began sleeping through the night consistently around your 1st birthday. You were a late crawler...beginning to crawl around 10 months.You got your first tooth in January. Tylenol was your best friend. You started walking the last week of June or the first week of July. 

So, what have you been up to since the last time we updated this blog (a year ago!)?

You have really developed a personality. You are pretty laid back for the most part, but your red hair does come out sometimes and you like to scream and throw tantrums just like any other toddler. It takes a bit to make you laugh, but when you do laugh, it's something magical to mommy and daddy's souls. You typically will give kisses to us, but usually only at night. You will randomly decide to come sit in our laps while playing to snuggle for a few minutes. 

You love balls, bubbles, your Elmo ("momo") vacuum at daycare, and dogs. Oh and how can I forget, your beloved paci collection. Oh man, you will throw a royal fit if you see one and can't put it in your mouth. You don't take one at daycare, but when you are home, you love it. This is going to be a hard habit to break, but we're mom's not ready yet.

You hate when I do anything that involves touching your face/head: brushing hair, washing hair, brushing teeth, wiping face, taking shirt off, putting shirt on. You don't like ice cream, getting in your car seat, holding my hand when we leave daycare and when I let the dogs outside and you don't get to go outside. 

You flew on your first airplane, saw fireworks for the first time, learned to crawl up on the couch, busted your lip a couple of times. Momma saw you kiss a girl leaving daycare one day. 

I'm sorry for not updating as frequently as you or I would like. Here's some things I've been up to: 
changing diapers, trimming your nails, buying you new clothes when you've quickly outgrown your older clothes, rocking and singing you to sleep *until you turned about 13 months, at which point you decided you were too big for that, getting you dressed in the mornings, making you home-cooked meals, trying to clean up after you play, trying to give you a bath without us both needing a drink afterwards, comforting you when you fall, trying to calm down my helicopter mom ways, watching you take your first steps, reading books, taking you to the grocery store with me, teaching you your body parts, loving you with every fiber of my being and absolutely enjoying every single moment with you. Okay, maybe not the bath time or poopy diapers. 

In case I ever forget, this was your favorite song for me to sing at night time. 

I love you.

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