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Thursday, November 29, 2012

SIX months!!

How far along? 24 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? I think 10 : /
Maternity clothes? yep. I ordered some new outfits on Black Friday and I can't wait for them to get here already! I think I am most excited about the maternity leggings I bought!
Stretch marks? none yet
Sleep? ughhhhhhh
Best moment last week? Seeing Joel paint Lincoln's name and Joel feeling him kick
Movement? he loves to kick me in the cervix and bladder
Food cravings? cheeseburgers.
Belly button in/out? still in.
What I miss: I miss sleeping without my hips hurting.
What I am looking forward to: our 3D sonogram, which I need to schedule!
Milestones: I made it to viability!

I'm six months pregnant today! This feels like a huge, major accomplishment. I have now reached viability, which means that if something were to happen, Lincoln could survive outside the womb. Last week was pretty busy, with Thanksgiving and painting the nursery. Joel started on the nursery last Monday and I'm proud to say it's finished! Well, pretty much anyway.

Daddy being sweet and painting Lincoln's name on the wall

We have a few spots to touch up on but then we'll be done. My parents ordered us a glider and it should be here within the next few days. I still need to order the crib {I will probably do that within a week} and I need to order his dresser/changing table. Unfortunately for Joel, I think everything has to be put together. We've received all of the fabric for the bedding so this Saturday we'll get started sewing it together! I can't wait to see what the nursery is going to look like all put together. I have a bunch of ideas and I can't wait to get started on them.

The past week has been kind of hard on me as far as sleep goes. I'm normally a very light sleeper anyway, but I feel like me being pregnant is making it worse. I don't know if it's my body preparing for motherly instincts but I feel like I wake up super easy and it's so hard for me to fall back asleep. If I wake up in the middle of the night, I am guaranteed to be up for at least two hours. This is fine on the weekends because I can sleep in, but during the week it pretty much sucks. I start to get anxious about how many hours I've slept so far and how many I'll get if I fall asleep right now and my mind just won't shut off.

The day before Thanksgiving, Joel finally felt Lincoln kick. I think it weirds him out a little, but he thought it was cool. My mom also felt him kick on Thanksgiving.

I got this ornament from Joel's grandmother, Dado, yesterday. It's so cute and it made me tear up when I opened the box!

Here's me this morning at 6 months pregnant! Wooohooo!

1 comment:

  1. I think putting together the furniture is just preparing the daddy for all the toys they'll have to put together over the years!! I can't wait to see the nursery all put together AND to feel that baby kick!
