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Thursday, November 15, 2012

So this is what the 2nd Trimester is supposed to be like....

Happy 22 weeks to me!! I have felt pretty much AMAZING for the past week and I am ever so thankful. While I have had a couple of episodes of nausea, I have made it more than a week without Zofran and am no longer nauseous in the mornings. I have had great bursts of energy and I feel like my old self again. I'm cooking, cleaning, reading and staying up past 8:00! I'm going to take advantage of feeling normal again by getting things ready for the nursery. We are painting it next week and I've ordered the fabric for the bedding so me and my sister, Tracy, will start working on the bedding soon. I'm also ordering the crib this week. It's all starting to become real with the constant kicks from Baby Lincoln, making baby purchases, etc. I get overwhelmed sometimes when I think about all of the changes to come, but I know me and Joel will make everything work. So since my nausea has disappeared, I have noticed that I'm starting to get super duper emotional. I cried all morning on Saturday because I was watching YouTube videos of kids being surprised on Christmas and being surprised with trips to Disney World. I have no idea why I tortured myself with these videos, but they really pulled at my heartstrings. It made me excited for the future to be able to do things like that for Lincoln and it made me wonder what he'll want for Christmas. It made me excited to think about how much fun Christmas is for kids and I just can't wait to experience that with Lincoln.

Unfortunately with the crying fits, comes the unexplainable rage that my poor Joel has to deal with. I get mad at him for taking naps. Like, legitimately mad. WHY? I can't help it....I get mad because he farts. These are just a couple of unrational things that I have been getting mad at. Thankfully, it doesn't last long and he is understanding, but I know it can't be fun for him.

I can tell Lincoln is getting longer because I can now feel him kick me near my belly button. We went to the movies this weekend to see the new James Bond movie, Skyfall, and Lincoln was kicking the whole time. It was probably really loud for him!

How far along? 22 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? Up 4 pounds total.
Maternity clothes? yes, but still rocking some of my loose fitting pre-pregnancy clothes. Right now my biggest concern is a coat. I have one that I can wear, but I can't button it shut. I might have to be buying a maternity coat. Thankfully they're on sale right now at Old Navy.
Stretch marks? nada
Sleep? I've been sleeping pretty good.
Best moment last week? Making it a week without Zofran!
Movement? he's a mover!
Food cravings? OMG, EVERYTHING! Chicken Fried Chicken, Sushi, Chinese food, potato salad, scalloped potatoes, chocolate milk, cheesecake. I'm a fatty :(
Belly button in/out? still in.
What I miss: I miss beer!
What I am looking forward to: 24 weeks {V Day!}
Milestones: I've felt great for a week now!

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