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Friday, December 7, 2012

15 weeks left to go!

Last Saturday, my sister Tracy and I started working on the baby bedding. The fabric is seriously beyond cute. Here is a little sneak peek at some of the fabric.

My sister is tackling the quilt and I was responsible for making the fitted sheet that day. I haven't sewn since I found out I was pregnant and before that, I had limited experience with sewing. So it practically took me all day to make the fitted sheet. Maybe not all day, but a good 3 hours. I have to be honest, I absolutely LOVE sewing. I love pinning pieces of fabric together and sewing them together and having it turn into something! The bad part about sewing, is that pressing and cutting is a BIG part of sewing. I hate pressing and cutting fabric. It's pretty hard! I have never been a good cutter and I blame the fact that I have to use right handed scissors when I'm left-handed. I also can't use left-handed scissors either so it's a no win situation. I do have a rotary cutter and I love that, but sometimes you have to use real scissors in sewing and it sucks for me! The pressing part, now that's just my laziness coming out. I don't mind pressing the fabric to make sure it isn't wrinkly, but when you have to press down a seam, I hate that. HATE it. But, the great part about sewing, is that it all pays off in the end. If you're lucky, you end up with something uniquely created by YOU that no one else has and you're left with a great sense of accomplishment.

So like I said, I had spent a good 3 hours on the fitted crib sheet and it turned out lovely. I was so proud of it and it looked exactly how I wanted. I go to get in my car, after leaving my sisters, and put it in my front seat...only to have something {I think my earbuds} get caught on a McDonald's cup of Dr. Pepper in my console, making the Dr. Pepper tilt over and spill on my brand new, HANDMADE, fitted sheet! I was so upset I wanted to cry! Here, I had just worked on something very hard for my baby boy and now there's damn Dr. Pepper on it! I didn't want Dr. Pepper to christen the sheet, I wanted Lincoln to do that! Thankfully, after many attempts my amazing sister was able to get the stain out.

Other than our sewing adventures, I have had a pretty uneventful week. I have gotten sick {read: vomit} twice the past week and I'm not sure what's up with that, but I hope it doesn't continue.

How far along? 25 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? I think 13 : /
Maternity clothes? The outfits I bought last week were a major disappointment so I'm still in my same outfits.
Stretch marks? none yet
Sleep? I slept so much better this week! Thank the Heavense!
Best moment last week? sewing my baby boy's fitted sheet.
Movement? I've been feeling him kick much higher (under my ribs), which leads me to think he's no longer breech.
Food cravings? Ice cream sandwiches
Belly button in/out? still in but it's definitely getting more shallow.
What I miss: being able to eat normal non-spicy food and not getting heartburn. I got heartburn from a tuna fish sandwich last night. WTF
What I am looking forward to: our 3D sonogram, which I scheduled for 12/20!
Milestones: I made it one full day without a coke! (trying to cut back on my splurging)


  1. I crack up every time I think of you spilling DP on that sheet. I know it's probably not funny to you, but I'm glad to see someone else has these kinds of moments besides me. The sheet is way cute, by the way. You did GREAT!

  2. I want to see a picture of the sheet!!! I'm glad Tracy got the stain out!

  3. I hope you're heartburn goes away for good! I'm still suffering...water gives me heartburn sometimes! Ugh!
